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Interventions into space

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Intervening into space, this particular investigation explores ideas of tension between user and the brick. It also encourages play and a sense of curiousity to interact with these objects. 

Placed within a gallery context this exploration aims to uncover why we are supposed to behave in such a contained way, when the art itself asks you to be free and playful.

This exploration is also a designed situation that activates and moves the body whilst interacting with an installation.

This intervention asks do we have an aversion to the colour white? This was inspired by reading Brian O'Doherty 'Inside the White Cube'. Also with the gallery in mind I wondered, can this controlled behaviour continue outside of a gallery context.

Rolling out a long white piece of paper on my street, I set up a camera to see if people would avoid the white or not worry about it. I noticed that if people saw me, they would cross the street, if they could not they would walk past the sheet yet still not walk on it - even after I had soiled it.

This exploration was really interesting to me because it showed that people were cautious of the unknown, and almost precious with the colour white.

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A continuation of looking at instructional design - I wondered what would happen if the actual interiors could influence how people moved through spaces. This then led to me thinking - what if you had to climb and crawl in order to view a piece of art. How would this change your perspective on a piece of art?

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